I think my motivations are growing from the same source as say, welfare states or organised labour unions, so it is simply solidarity, yes. I want to make work political again. I believe the people who have the most ability to shape the political landscape are the ones who are most able to organise people (money helps but so does vision and social capital).
Right now we’re facing a situation where workers unions are organised against ecological initiatives. This is insane because there are no jobs on a dead planet. I propose this insanity is perpetuated because of the scale of organisation: too much power in one place, not enough responsiveness or accountability.
The unique factor of microsolidarity is that it is peer-to-peer, and operating at a scale below Dunbar’s number. This is 1. to emphasise agency (don’t wait for a union to organise you, start organising with peers) and 2. to avoid the inefficiencies and corruption of large-scale solidarity institutions.